
Looking for IronFox, IronSafari, IronAdium, IronVLC, IronTweetdeck or IronVentrilo?

IronSuite Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Check out our separate FAQ page

Our design philosophies behind the IronSuite tools

Ironfox is but one of the tools we have developed sandbox policies for. We have developed profiles for Adium, Thunderbird, Tweetdeck, Ventrilo, etc. To better describe how we have approached this, and what is going on behind the scenes, we have written a IronSuite Design philosophy document that we urge you as a user to read.

The IronFox tool

The tool that has come the furthest in development is the wrapper for firefox. Version 0.8.3 is out. Check out IronFox here.


IronAdium have moved here. Version 0.4 was released 2011-03-07


The first version of Ironbird have moved here. Version 0.2 was released 2011-03-11


2010-07-01: The first release, aka version 0.1, of IronSafari is out the door! It is a wrapper for Safari 5 Check out IronSafari. As with all our releases, version 0.1 is more of a beta / test release.

$ shasum -a 512 ironsafari-0.1.tar.gz 662e0626c29ddd8a29a10a36aeb263d069dc0ad1a9c194382f92518e6d06f421f3d2bf5e1b41ce2cec5bcd465c775ee220b203b5cb1969f2ab8a62f26942f746 ironsafari-0.1.tar.gz


2010-07-01: The first release, aka version 0.1, of IronVLC is out the door! It is a wrapper for VLC 1.0.5 Check out IronVLC . As with all our releases, version 0.1 is more o f a beta / test release.

$ shasum -a 512 ironvlc-0.1.tar.gz 9e0452bf14330928c9956cd2d50a771bf9fde3ef6179d9f02231eab506bc1b0756f716fa7576d98bc6937d1e0092969bb16da7299d7dc88d703505961db99d4f ironvlc-0.1.tar.gz


2010-06-30: The first release, aka version 0.1, of IronTweetdeck is out the door! It is a wrapper for Tweetdeck 0.33. Check out IronTweetdeck

A new feature introduced with this IronSuite tool is the configuration file, where some option can be set. Check out the IronTweetdeck.config file. Probably the one most interesting to know of is the IRONFOX variable (enabled by default) that allows URLs to be viewed in IronFox.

shasum -a 512 irontweetdeck-0.1.tar.gz 2d0e8cf439c08f60e14bc8b80106d38382b455279d4fa3f434705ff5a79cadc9e57346d07d49c9a181ae5d005d59de3361f41e8f1894a74c40e250cf2ea78efc irontweetdeck-0.1.tar.gz


2010-06-30: The first release, aka version 0.1, of IronVentrilo is out the door! It is a wrapper for Ventrilo 3.0.4. Check out IronVentrilo

$ shasum -a 512 ironventrilo-0.1.tar.gz 472dcdf76b5aa2a0e00465b1fb3f5fa5f5cf723273fd2927d7bd1243b5284546e1b9093ab3fb33a4b45ee1fb673dc10d1123a54a03e5f14adb369ff187d6d122 ironventrilo-0.1.tar.gz

Bug reports, questions, comments, shoutouts, etc

We would appretiate any feedback. Please contact us by sending e-mail to: ironsuite AT

Any bug reports should be sent by e-mail to: ironsuite-bugs AT

Software signing GPG key

ROMAB sign software releases with the Gnu Privacy Guard, GPG, software signing key. You can get the siggnature, as well as other information info, from ROMAB and others keys.

     pub   1024D/D3709435 2010-06-21 [valid to: 2015-06-20]
     Key finger print = B6B0 4AF1 CDE5 3B40 BBE0  6868 36F8 2B7B D370 9435
     uid                  ROMAB software signing key 

Use the command

     gpg --verify ironfox-0.x.y.tar.gz.sig

to verify the file.