Datasäkerhet och Informationssäkerhet

Robert Malmgren AB

“Trust is good, control is better.”


IronFox 1.3 Released

IronFox 1.3 was released today to support MacOSX 10.8 aka Mountain Lion. This version is heavily changed compared to earlier releases. It have a much more restrictive and stripped down sandbox enabled by default. No flash in default install, but can be enabled at your own risk.


IronFox 1.1 Released

IronFox 1.1 was released today to support MacOSX 10.7 aka Lion.


IronFox 1.0 Released

IronFox 1.0 is realeased today with support for firefox4. FF4 have a new plugin archictecture, so older version will not work with flash, java or other plugin content.