Happy birthday! - i.root-servers.net 20 years young!
Yesterday the nice people of Netnod, the operators of internet exchange points and DNS services, including the DNS root name server known as "i" where throwing a big party. The "i root" was the first root name server runned outside of the US. As Lars-Johan Liman - the "father" of the i root, pointed out in his speech, when the server first started, he could follow the logfile of all DNS queries on screen - it was at a rate at aprox 5 questions per second. Today that figure is quite alot higher - more along the line of 23000 queries per second.
There is something extra to sing "happy birthday" to, what initialy was an Sun3/50, and now is a distributed function with some ~30 servers around the globe.
In the picture below, Liman, Johani, Bygg and Hillbo, all real Internet old boys, sing Happy birthday!
Internet have come along way for the last 20 years. A big "congratulations" to all involved, especially the people who work tirelessly with infrastructure and keeping things working behind the scene.
Written by Robban @ 2011-06-17