Sociala medier
Idag skall vi lista lite läsvärda texter om samtidens stora hype, de sociala medierna.
The Social Graph is Neither är en väldigt intressant filosofisk text om Sociogram, social grafteori, sociala beteenden och hur man mappar sociala skeden med programkod. Den innehåller nyktra iaktagelser såsom
- "One big sticking point is privacy. Do I really want to find out that my pastor and I share the same dominatrix? If not, then who is going to be in charge of maintaining all the access control lists for every node and edge so that some information is not shared? You can either have a decentralized, communally owned social graph (like Fitzpatrick envisioned) or good privacy controls, but not the two together."
- "There's another fundamental problem in that a graph is a static thing, with no concept of time. Real life relationships are a shared history, but in the social graph they're just a single connection."
- "Social networks exist to sell you crap. The icky feeling you get when your friend starts to talk to you about Amway, or when you spot someone passing out business cards at a birthday party, is the entire driving force behind a site like Facebook."
En annan text är en artikel i USAToday som var ovanligt faktaorienterad handlade om hur företagen bakom de sociala mediatjänsterna samlar mer och mer information om oss, även utanför deras ordianrie domän - deras plattform då vi är inloggade hos dem. USAToday: How Facebook tracks you across the Webb
Written by Robban @ 2011-11-19